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Orienting To Atlas Search

Walk through screenshots of Atlas' user interface (UI).

Atlas is designed to be easy to understand and use. This screenshot captures various UI elements and functionalities that can be explained as follows:

  1. Navigation Header: At the top, there's a navigation header that includes the name of the 'Current Project' with a dropdown menu to switch between different projects. On the right of the 'Current Project', your user icon is accessible.

  2. Slider Menu: Below the logo, there are three tooltips denoted by the 'Home' button, the file 'Projects' button, and the user icon 'Organizational Settings' button:

    • Home/Search: When you first load up Atlas, you will be greeted with the home search page. This button will redirect you to this page on your first loaded 'Current Project'.

    • Projects: Create and save cohorts for export based on pathology or filter settings.

    • Organizational Settings: See your organization memeber's account. Collaborate by inviting members of your user's organization to the application.

  3. Search Filters: You can search by using the following filtering options:

    • Sex: Two checkboxes allow the user to filter search results by Male or Female.

    • Age: A slider control lets the user set an age range from age 0 to 90.

    • Slice Thickness: Ranges from 0 to 10 slice thickness.

    • Modality: Dropdown menu to select medical imaging modalities, such as MRI or CT scans.

    • Manufacturer: Dropdown to filter by the manufacturer of the medical imaging equipment.

    • Use Advanced Filters: All available DICOM tags to further hone your search.

  4. Search Bar: At the top-right of the application interface, there is a prominent search bar accompanied by a magnifying glass icon, indicating a feature to search the 'Gradient Health Catalog'. Users can begin their search by entering keywords or body parts.

  5. Pagination: Just below the search bar, pagination controls ('< 1 2 3 4 5 >') are visible, which allow you to navigate through multiple pages of search results.

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